Looking forward to reading how Mosse has adapted this tale.
(the following is from the review blurb linked above)
“The Mistletoe Bride” chronicles the wedding day of a young woman five
hundred or so years ago. The party is held in Bramshill House in the
middle of the winter, thus “there is mistletoe and holly, white berries
and red,” and—in a tradition as old as time—a fine feast, made finer
with wine. When all the sweetmeats are eaten, the new wife of Lord
Lovell suggests “a game of hide-and-seek, for all those who yet have
strength in their legs.”
The play is a way, attentive readers will realise, of delaying the
daunting prospect of the wedding bed, an inevitability which leaves our
narrator feeling conflicted. “I can see Lovell’s eyes on me and know he
means to be the one who discovers my hiding place. There is part of me
that shrinks at the thought of it, but he is a gentle man.”
Nevertheless, when the game begins, the mistletoe bride—Mosse gives her
no other name—decides on one hell of a hiding place: in a “wooden
coffer [that] is deep and long, the length of a man, and bound fast by
four wide metal bands.” She settles into it as if it were a bed, and
though she does not mean to sleep, sleep she does... with haunting
"As the author asserts in her short survey of the various versions of
this tale, which has been told almost as long as there were tales to
tell, “The Mistletoe Bride” is “grisly, oddly compelling [...] the sort
of story that sticks in the imagination,” and indeed it does. Some say
it is founded on fact. Others suggest it springs from a song. In any
event, it’s been an inspiration to many authors through the ages:
Charles Somerset produced a play of the
same name in 1835, Henry James wrote ‘The Romance of Certain Old
Clothes’ in 1868, transposed to eighteenth-century Massachusetts but
clearly inspired by the story, and Susan E. Wallace published a short
story—‘Ginevra or The Old Oak Chest: A Christmas Story’—in 1887. The
tragic tale, a favourite of the protagonist, Brandon Shaw, is recounted
in Hitchcock’s 1948 film, Rope. Jeanette Winterson wrote a haunting Christmas version of the story in 2002.
Whatever its legacy, “The Mistletoe Bride” is a fitting fiction with
which to kick off this collection—and in a sense to bring it to an end
as well, because the final short is another take on the same tale, if
anything more impressive than the first: a strangely straightforward
story for all its suggestiveness."